Here are the numerals. But they are they out of order! There’s a reason. Of course you will present them from 0-9, but try them this way also. In each group the strokes move in the same direction. Strokes that move in similar directions are easier to write; the movements are easier to remember. The groupings also help to avoid the reversals that are all too common with beginners. The numbers 7, 2, and 3 are grouped together because their strokes all start on the left and move toward the right. Start with 7? Yes, it is the simplest of the three numbers. The next group contains 1, 4, and 5. Their strokes start at the top and move down. Always write 5 with two strokes. If one starts 5 on the right and moves around, it is can look like S. The numbers 0, 6, 8 and 9 all move over to the left before going down and around.
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